Dark Energy Entity Removal
Service Description
A dark entity, often referred to as a malevolent or negative spirit, is a type of non-physical or discarnate being that interacts with the physical world (especially humans and animals) in harmful ways. These can range from ghosts to astral parasites and even evil spirits. When there is a weak energy field, the aura can become damaged with holes, tears and leaks. This opens space for lower vibrational beings to enter and attach to the body of a human or pet-animal. Anytime we experience intense emotions such as anger/rage, grief, terror/panic or fear, we lower our vibration and make tiny rips in our energy field. Anytime a person engages in the use of alcohol, drugs (recreational or plant medicine), tobacco, pornography, gambling, participates in casual sex or is repeatedly involved in poor decision making, their energy shield is weakened, and they draw to them entity attachments. Common signs of an attachment include: deep depression, extreme negativity, disturbed thoughts, bad dreams or nightmares, suicidal tendencies, intense anxiety, uncontrolled cravings, severe mood swings, a tendency for self-inflicted harm, violent behavior and unconstrained temper, chronic fatigue/illness, multiple personalities and/or irrational thinking and even possible criminal behavior. Attachments also increase the likelihood that a person will engage in these behaviors. During this clearing we remove any entity and send it back to Source Light. The person’s aura is then sealed and protected in the creator’s divine light. We also empower to with ways to shield and empower yourself in the future.
Contact Details
3rd Floor 801 Anchor Rode Dr, Naples, FL, USA